Miss Backpacker

Mina travel blog

Miss Backpacker

Hi, My name is Mina. Welcome to my travel blog. I love traveling, photography and writing diaries about them. When I was a kid, my dad uses to travel around the world a lot alone for his business. He brough me lots of souviniers and from that time I started to make a plan to travel around the world. I was 9 but I made a whole plan about countries I want to see and the budget and all details. I started to follow my dreams when I was 25. My first country to visit was malaysia and after that South-Korea. It was a wonderful journey. At age 26, I moved to Finland to study my second master degree and during my studies I visited various cities in Europe. In total, I have been to more than 20 countries and 70 cities around the world. In the meantime, I am planning to save my money again and visit more places. Although I didnt have tons of money, I made low-budget plans for my trips. Sometimes I had some difficulties to cope with some circumstance that resulted from cheap targets but I think it worthed. I prefer to visit more places with minimum budget instead of one big luxury trip. Although my preferences might be different if I was rich. To be concluded, thank you for visiting my blog. I wish my tips were helpful for you.

My city destinations

Travel tips for solo-traveler woman

Traveling alone as a woman is one of the best things you can do for yourself. Just follow some tips to guarantee a safe and amazing life changing experience! Over 70% of American women say they have traveled alone, and Google searches for “solo female travel” increased 230% in 2019, before COVID became a concern. Travel companies report that up to 80% of their solo travelers are women, and the number of Pinterest boards related to traveling alone as a woman have more than tripled in recent years.
Why travel alone?
1. We want to wait for others to travel with them
2. We like being able to do what we want, when we want to do it
3. Traveling alone gives us a feeling of freedom and independence
Tips for traveling alone as a woman:
1. Stay in hostels or volunteering projects
2. Pack light and be prepared
3. Give yourself time to adjust when you arrive somewhere new
4. Research the local culture and talk to local

Most visited destinations by international tourist arrivals

Rank Destination International tourist arrival (2022) International tourist arrival (2021) Change 2021 to 2022 (%)
1 France - 48.4 million -
2 Spain 71.7 million 31.2 million 130
3 U.S.A 50.9 million 22.1 million 130
4 Turkey 50.5 million 29.9 million 69
5 Italy 49.8 million 26.9 million 85
6 Mexico 38.3 million 31.9 million 20
7 U.K - 6.3 million -
8 Germany 28.5 million 11.7 million 144
9 Greece 27.8 million 14.7 million 89
10 Austria 26.2 million 12.7 million 106